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Truclient 12.53 Chrome if exists


Hi All,

I have a script setup as below:

for x --> 30
if text exists then x=31
else click on Button_to_bring_to_page_with_text

This script was coded in Truclient 12.00 and the logic worked.

I converted it to the new web protocol, and running it using Chrome.
Now when I am running in develop mode the "If exists" step is failing with the error "multiple objects were found that are similar to the target object".
When I click on Highlight on the page, I get the error, that I want to see, saying that the text does not exist. It doesn't exist on this page, until I click on the netton to bring me to the next page.


In the TruClient 12.00 the if exists would not find the text, and run the else statement.

Anyone have any ideas?

Truclient 12.53 Chrome console mode?


Hi All,

I can't seem to find any option for a console mode in Chrome to see the output like there is for firefox & IE.

Am I missing it, or not available in Chrome mode?


What Monitoring Environment should I use?


I want to measure CPU, memory on a remote webserver, and I want to use the Windows Resources graph to do this. I don't understand which monitoring envornment should I use from here: perf.png

Is it necessary to setup a monitoring environment on server side? Isn't it enough only "connecting to it" as described in the next section?

In the next section (perf2.png), it says that to add the monitored server to the controller with the sitescope graph. And also that is the only one, which requires a name a port, an account with username/password when I click on the Add measurements.... (Not only a name like Windows Resources graph for example)

Is this sitescope responsible to make the connection between my local machine and the measured remote server? And then I can use the remote machine defined for sitescope, for other graphs too?

If not, then how should I do this?

Need help with correlation



I am not a newbie with Loadrunner and am aware of Manual and automatic correlation. I am working on a new application that is developed in Ruby on Rails which has extensive use of authenticity token and CSRF tokens. I tried correlating both these tokens but somehow the correlation fails each time with the error message Error -35061: No match found for the requested parameter "authenticity_token" . 

Note that I have included the statements

web_set_option("MaxRedirectionDepth", "4", LAST);

and I am placing the code to correlate right where it needs to be.

Script for correlation is 


Response as captured from snapshot is 

<meta name="csrf-param" content="authenticity_token" />
<meta name="csrf-token" content="usadsad8dsfsddsfsdewre87w889wewerwer89we0we0khlkjhlkjjhghjg2323232asdasdasdassdgsdgfsdfsdfqwe==" />
<title>Sample Page - Welcome</title>

I removed the correlations for all token and ran the script as recorded. It works properly sometimes and fails sometimes. Behavior is not consistent. I am in a catch22 situation where if I correlate, the scripts fails and if I dont script does not work consistently.  Could someone point out if the issue is with the script or does the application need some sort of fine tuning? 


Dashboard from RAWDATA


I want ot create a template or user friendly dashboard to compare the response times and throughput. Basically I want to play around with the raw data. Can you suggest some free tools wherei can load the raw data and create good dashboards. I tried splunking but it was not very easy. excel was simple but I am looking for some cool stuff, some templates.


Can anyone help

Integrating LoadRunner C with Python

Are there any recommended guide lines on how to integrate a python script with loaadrunner c.
Specfically after a web_reg_save_param, my script saves a character string output. This output has to be massaged (escaping double quotes, making each line a string, terminating with a ;)and then fed as input to the next web service.
Using Python I have been able to get this done. I'd rather not use the system command to do this from the loadrunner c script since that will then become a bottleneck when running with high load.

Load Runner


Hi! I'm Ren. I have a question. I can't download the trial version of LoadRunner. I've already have an account but evertime i click the "Next" button there was an error pop up? This is the error: "You already have an ongoing trial for this product. Please login to MyAccount and access your trial. " What should i do to proceed the download section? I hope your response. Thank you.

Truclient 12.53 Chrome regex in if statement


I am rescripting a script that worked in LR12.0 in 12.53 in the Chrome protocol.

In the LR12.0 script I had:
1) Get Visible Text from [label] into variable1
2) if (variable1=/some of the text in the label/)
           do commands

           do other commands

The same code doesn't work in LR 12.53/Truclient/Chrome.

I made sure that the variable1 is saving the text that I want it to.
The single equals sign bombs out, and jumps to the Catch Error in the script. so I changed to double equal (which sounds better since it's an equality check).
What happens in this script is that it will just not recognise the if varialble and do the "do other commands"

Any ideas?

(I am trying to re-run the scipt I recorded against Chrome in IE mode, but appears I'm getting a lot or unrecognised items. Had hoped that it would be a lot more seamless playing on different browsers.)

Unable to record through Mobile Application (HTTP/HTML) protocol with Native App's.


I'm new to Mobile Application (HTTP/HTML) protocol and curruently using loadrunner 11.50 version.

Recording through emulator device and below are the options selected for recording.

1. Record Emulator - record script using a mobile device emulator (Click Next)

2. Under Emulattor Window

               i) Emulator to record (Giving the path of the anroid emluator .exe)

               ii) Command Line (Giving the emualtor device make such as nexus, samsung e.t.c)

And rest of the options as default options including recording options.

Unable to record any events, so script is not getting generated.

Can someone suggests, what  settings/options needs to be made for recording Mobile Application (HTTP/HTML). Let me know, If you need any more info.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated, thanks...:) 


Show Citrix vusers not working in Controller



I've been porting a Citrix script onto some newly built machines. The ICA screen happily shows vuser activity in Vugen, but does not when running from the controller using lr_citrix_vuser_view on the command line (it did work on the original machine).

Controller, Load Generator, and Vugen are all on the same machine.

LR  Citrix Receiver - are same as original machine

Any help to resolve this would be appreciated as the ability to do this is very useful for debugging





An unexpected error occurred when start to record with VUgen 12.53


I have selected Single Web HTTP/HTML protocol and created a new solution.

Next I started the HP Web Tours Server.

Then clicked on Record button to start recording.

I am getting the following error. Please assist and many thanks for yours assistance.

*** Stack Trace ***

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.GetMicorSoftAppPath(String application, String& appPath) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 690

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.GetOutlookPath(String& ieDisplayName, String& outlookPath, String& ieWorkingPath) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 626

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.AddProgramsForCommonDialogIfNotExist(CommonDlgDataStructure& currDlgData, KnownProgram programToAdd, GetProgramEntry getProgram) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 431

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.InitProgramsForCommonDialog(CommonDlgDataStructure& currDlgData) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 384

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.InitCommonDialogSettings(CommonDlgDataStructure& commonDlgDataStructure) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 153

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.BaseStartRecordDataModel.InitDlgData() in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\BaseStartRecordDataModel.cs:line 119

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.BaseStartRecordDataModel.LoadRecordingData() in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\BaseStartRecordDataModel.cs:line 94

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.CommonRecordViewModel..ctor(IVuGenScript script, StartRecordingDialogDescriptor descriptor, String trafficFilePath) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\ViewModel\CommonRecordViewModel.cs:line 64

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.CommonStartRecordingDialogLauncher.ShowStartRecordingDialog(IVuGenScript script, Boolean trafficAnalysis, StartRecordingDialogDescriptor descriptor, RecordInfo& recInfo) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialogLauncher.cs:line 53

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDialogHelper.LaunchStartRecordingDialog(IVuGenScript script, Boolean trafficAnalysis, StartRecordingDialogDescriptor descriptor) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\StartRecordingDialogHelper.cs:line 236

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDialogHelper.ShowStartRecordingDialog(IVuGenScript script, Boolean trafficAnalysis) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\StartRecordingDialogHelper.cs:line 124

   at HP.LoadRunner.Vugen.RecordingAddin.RecordCommand.StartRecording(RecordInfo recordInfo, Boolean trafficAnalysis, IVuGenScript script) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\RecordingAddin\RecordCommand.cs:line 54

   at HP.LoadRunner.Vugen.RecordingAddin.RecordCommand.Run() in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\RecordingAddin\RecordCommand.cs:line 314

   at ICSharpCode.Core.Presentation.CommandWrapper.Execute(Object parameter)

   at MS.Internal.Commands.CommandHelpers.CriticalExecuteCommandSource(ICommandSource commandSource, Boolean userInitiated)

   at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()

   at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()

   at ICSharpCode.Core.Presentation.ToolBarButton.OnClick()

   at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

   at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)

   at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

   at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

   at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)

   at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

   at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)

   at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)

   at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()

   at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)

   at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)

   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)

   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

   at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

   at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

   at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)

   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

   at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)


*** Additional Information ***

SharpDevelop Version :

.NET Version         : 4.0.30319.34209

OS Version           : Microsoft Windows NT 6.3.9600.0

Current culture      : English (Australia) (en-AU)

Running under WOW6432, processor architecture: x86-64

Working Set Memory   : 278872kb

GC Heap Memory       : 74174kb


An unexpected error occurred.

 Click ‘OK’ to close this message. You may be able to continue working,

but note that this workflow may cause the error to occur again.

Click ‘Details’ to display technical details on this error which may help

you solve the problem, or can be used when contacting customer support.

 ---- Post-error application state information:

Installed 3rd party AddIns: [HP SV ALM Integrations], [UTT Configuration UI], [Debug Pad Wrapper Extension addin for UTT], [UTT Debug Basic implementation addin for UTT], [UTT File Dialog], [UTT Connection Addin], [HPUttIdeCommands], [UttBookmarkPad], [UttErrorListPad], [UttOutputPad], [UttTaskListPad], [Vugen.ConfigurationUI], [UsageReporter], [VuGen Debugger addin based on UT Debugger]

Workbench.ActiveContent: [CodeEditorViewContent C:\VUGen Scripts\Web Tours 11.53 - Web HttpHtml\Action.c]

ProjectService.OpenSolution: [Solution: FileName=C:\VUGen Scripts\Web Tours 11.53.ltsln, HasProjects=True, ReadOnly=False]

ProjectService.CurrentProject: [VuGenProject: Web Tours 11.53 - Web HttpHtml]

---- Recent SharpDevelop log messages:

04:44:21.079 [1] ERROR - Could not find file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\LoadRunner\bin\2.ltsln'.

04:45:07.018 [1] ERROR - Unhandled WPF exception caught

--> Exception:

System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no elements

   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)

   at HP.LR.VuGen.StartRecordingDialog.StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.GetMicorSoftAppPath(String application, String& appPath) in E:\LT\LT-LR\win32_release\12.53.1203.0_clean\app\VuGen\FrontEnd\Current\CoreAddins\StartRecordingDialog\CommonStartRecordingDialog\DataModel\StartRecordingDataInitializationHelper.cs:line 690

>> Please refer to attached for more details.


Wrong window size in output window while replaying citrix scripts

I am using LR version 11.52 for testing an Oracle form 6i application.
The application appears as an icon in Citrix receiver and has to be launched from the receiver and there is no url either for Citrix or for the application.
I tried scripting of the application using single protocol CitrixIcA and recorded the flow. Although events were recorded ,.when I replayed the script, error in output window was:
Error: Failed to get window size, wrong format. Unable to detect client version. Warning: Extension CitrixClientImpl.dll reports error -1 on call to function ExtPerThreadInitialize Error: Vuser failed to initialize extension CitrixClientImpl.dll in load runner.

Please suggest some work around to resolve the issue.

I asked for the ica file for the application but Citrix team was not able to provide it and thus I used hostname , user I'd and password in the logim tab of the load runner tool to access the application

Additional information:
Tool used: LR 11.52
Citrix server xenapp 6.5

(I tried recording a combination of other protocols like Oracle nca, Citrix + web but no events were recorded)

Please help to resolve the issue.

TruClient 12.53 Chrome if exists failing if object doesn't exist


Hi All,

I have a for loop with the below:

Click button
if text_on_next_page exists
      quit loop

I am recoding the script fresh in 12.53 Chromium.

My issue is that script will fail (and jump to a catch error further down in the script) on the if exists step.
The error on the step is that there are too many objects recognised.
But when I stop the script and try and highlight, expecting to see all the items that it thinks it recognises so I can improve the recognition, but I get an error saying that the object is not there.
I have tried Automatic, XPath, JS, and the new Descriptors (which I believe it defaulted to), but none work.

I just tried to put in a related object, and now it is failing saying that the anchor object was not found.

That's the reason for my check! If the object is not found, I want the button on the page to be clicked to bring to the page where the object is.

Any ideas?

How to set up the connection between the controller and the (remote) monitored servers?


What is responsible for that part in the controller?

Need JS code to press F2 button in Ajax Tru client


Hi ,

I need to press F2 button in the application to get into Edit mode , found no option to press keys from F1-F12.

Executed  below code using Evaluate JS and no action was taken place.

Suggest any option where i can press F2 by executing JS.

 var keyboardEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");

var initMethod = typeof keyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent !== 'undefined' ? "initKeyboardEvent" : "initKeyEvent";




                   "keydown", // event type : keydown, keyup, keypress

                    true, // bubbles

                    true, // cancelable

                    window, // viewArg: should be window

                    false, // ctrlKeyArg

                    false, // altKeyArg

                    false, // shiftKeyArg

                    false, // metaKeyArg

                    113, // keyCodeArg : unsigned long the virtual key code, else 0

                    0 // charCodeArgs : unsigned long the Unicode character associated with the depressed key, else 0




Thanks in advance


Need to setup Prestashop App as Target Applicaiton for creating Vugen scripts.


Hi All, 

I need the complete details of setting up Prestashop and Wordpress Application since we need to set them up as Target applications for recording Vugen scripts. Lot of info is available from Google but it is not structured. I need a proper document detailing sequential steps.



Parameterisation in loadrunner Vugen



After recording my script in the Vugen , i am seeing some of the information is stored in the boday this is because my script is too long to store it in the Action.In this case it is becoming difficult to parametrise the fields. Is there a way to avoid the script to store in teh body.

Post - Get Script


Hi Guys,

      I am trying to do the POST - GET  Script using Vugen.  

     When i do a POST I get the following resposne in the Output Log file of Vugen 

t=783ms: 212-byte response headers for "http://XXXX/interactionhub/rest/v1/Breadcrumb/Action" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=1)
Action.c(3): HTTP/1.1 201 Created\r\n
Action.c(3): Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1\r\n
Action.c(3): Location: http://XXXX/interactionhub/rest/v1/Breadcrumb/Action/578f8cb2338
Action.c(3): d357135450dc4\r\n
Action.c(3): Content-Length: 0\r\n
Action.c(3): Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 14:37:37 GMT\r\n
Action.c(3): \r\n


I need to do a check the HTTP Code 201 and also do a GET on Location parameter . 

Kindly help

TruClient recording sidebar not showing up on Firefox (Version 12.01)


Hello All,

When i am trying to use TruClient Ajaj Firefox and click on develop script firefox opens up but i dont see the recording sidebar. What am i missing?

Thanks in adavance!

- BD

HP Analysis template command line


just want to ask how do you pass a command line switch if you are running a test(s) via command line? Below was my syntax.

Wlrun.exe -Run -TestPath C:\POC\072016\XXX_Run\Scenario\XXX.lrs -ResultName C:\POC\072016\XXX_Run\Result -InvokeAnalysis -TEMPLATENAME YYYY

whenever i pass this line it doesnt take the new template that i create it always use the DEFAULT Template.

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